All Academica teachers using Feedback Forward will log into Feedback Forward directly from their Colegia dashboard. This will automatically sync your classes and student rosters, and save you from remembering one more password. You will always access Feedback Forward through Colegia, not through the “Sign-in” page in Feedback Forward.
Log into Colegia using the same browser that you have installed the Feedback Forward extension.
Go to your dashboard. Under “My Apps,” you will see the blue Feedback Forward icon.
Click on Feedback Forward. This will open another tab and load your data using Clever.
When asked if you want to merge your Clever account with an existing account, click “No, Continue with Clever.”
- If you want to combine imported sections or rosters, click “Yes” when asked if there are classes that you want to combine, then follow this process.
Navigate to your classes and students to ensure that all of your rosters have synced with Feedback Forward.
Logging into Feedback Forward via Colegia will automatically log you into the extension in the same browser. You can open and use the extension anytime in the same browser.
Feedback Forward will re-sync your classes and student rosters at each login to automatically reflect changes to your rosters.