Quest Forward:
Active, Student-Driven Learning
Students learn best when they are active and engaged in the learning process, and motivated to learn. But it can be challenging for teachers to find the time to enhance their lessons and materials, and effectively differentiate to engage every student.
Quest Forward is a website for teachers that helps them easily find and create lessons. It offers individual lessons, called quests, with projects and active learning that support skills development. It also includes collections, which are quests combined into units, projects, or courses. Teachers can use premade quests as supplemental material or the core curriculum for a class.
Quests are designed to promote active, student-driven learning. Whether teacher facilitated or self paced, students can explore relevant content, practice skills, and apply real-world concepts. Quests also include a variety of resources, allowing students to engage with skills and topics in various ways.
Access more than 2,000 quests and 60 collections created by curriculum experts across the country.
View and customize any part of a quest or collection to tailor it to the unique needs of your students and classroom.
Search a library of ready-to-use quests and collections by parameters, such as a subject, keyword, or standard.
Quests and collections are aligned with Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and C3 Social Studies Standards.
Log in with your school’s Clever or Google account.
Share your customized or newly created quests and collections with students and other teachers at your school.
Interested in hearing how Quest Forward can help in your classroom? CONTACT US
Quest Forward Empowers Teachers
Premade curriculum makes lesson planning easier.
Content that helps you engage students through active learning.
Flexibility to use premade quests, edit and customize quests, or create your own original content.
Ability to easily share quests with students through your school or county’s unique LMS.
Quick access to integrated and customizable projects and formative assessments.
Option to combine quests, or use premade collections, to create larger projects, units, or courses.
Free Resources for Teachers
We provide a wide variety of lesson planning resources, professional learning courses and software solutions to help teachers engage their students and improve learning outcomes.
Meaningful Feedback for Students
With auto-generated grades, customizable visualizations and seamless integration into the Clever system, Feedback Forward enables teachers to focus on engaging students rather than spending time grading.