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For students to reach their full potential, they need critical thinking skills, problem solving, and effective learning and working skills.

The problem is, having great content, qualified teachers, ways to measure student learning, and lots of education technology are not enough.

Schools today are stuck with static curricula, over-focus on grades, and students spend most of their time on assignments, deadlines, and grade production. Young people can be the drivers of innovation, job creation, social transformation and more. But they won’t or can’t if they stay stuck in the passive education they get today.

At Opportunity Education, we’ve identified the three biggest threats to private secondary education, and charted a path forward for schools to solve them.

Case Study

Transforming Girard College High School

“At Girard, we found that Quest Forward Learning empowers our teachers to focus on student growth instead of delivering content. Project-based learning and feedback-focused assessments are now enabling our students to own their learning and to practice skills they will need for the rest of their lives.”

– A.J. Ernst, Dean, Girard College High School
The cover of the ebook by Opportunity Education, titled "Why the Future of Private High Schools is at Risk."
Get the Free Ebook

Why the Future of Private High Schools is at Risk

How to Solve the Three Vexing Problems of Private High School Education


Making incremental changes to curriculum, professional development, and technology separately from one another can be exhausting for your school, and ultimately not as effective as you wish it would be.

Read about the ingredients we’ve found to build solutions that reinforce each other. Create a legacy of systemic, lasting improvement in your school in the ways that matter for long-term success.

Complete the form and receive an email with your ebook, and start transforming your school to live up to its potential.

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