View all of your previous Fast Feedback sessions.
Click “All Fast Feedback” from the left-side menu.
You will see all Fast Feedback sessions for the selected date range. From here, you can filter the list in several ways:
Choose a class from the filter at the top to see Fast Feedback for a singular class. You can also click on the class’s tag on each Fast Feedback session to filter to that class.
Choose a criterion from the filter at the top to see all Fast Feedback for one criterion.
Adjust the date range to expand or limit to see all Fast Feedback from a certain time.
Click a Fast Feedback session to view the feedback you provided to students. You can edit the optional comment from this view.
To see all Fast Feedback for an individual student, click “Insights” from the left-side menu, filter to a student, and view their Fast Feedback Summary at the top of the page.